Dr Pavani’s Homoeopathy

About Doctor


BHMS, SCPH, ACCM, MD(H) General Medicine

Dr Ambati Pavani Krishna

[BHMS, SCPH, ACCM , MD (H) General Medicine ]

Homoeopath at Dr Pavani’s homoeopathy have done her MD (H) in General medicine from MUHS. Acquired Advanced Certification in critical care medicine (ACCM) from Apollo Medvarsity. BHMS (Bachelor in Homoeopathic Medicine and Surgery) from JSPS Government Homoeopathic Medical College, profound homoeopathic medical college in Hyderabad and have done SCPH (Speciality Certificate in Predictive Homoeopathy) for which the certificate is awarded jointly by Predictive Homoeopathy and ECPD United Nations.

Being ardent lover of homoeopathy, treatment is based on the principles laid by the founder of homoeopathy Dr C F S Hahnemann and harmonising them with the knowledge of modern science.

Member of Indian Institute of Homoeopathic physicians -IIHP

Our Awards

One who would aspire to become a true Homoeopath would have to take a leap of faith based on reason and understanding. A physician would have to open his mind to the dynamic/ quantum world view.

    Hahnemannian Oath

    “On my honour I swear that I shall practice the teachings of Homoeopathy, perform my duty, render justice to my patients and help the sick whosoever comes to me for treatment. May the teachings of Master Hahnemann inspire me and may I have the strength for fulfilment of my mission.”